The trademark, logo, trade name and brand distinguish products and the manufacturing company itself from its competitors and help customers recognize it.
The trademark, trade name, or brand must be registered in each country where the company is doing business and where the trade name will be used. In Russia, the Rospatent office (the Federal Institute of Industrial Property - FIIP) is the state body authorized to register trademarks, brands, inventions, and computer programs.
A separate paragraph in Part Four of the Civil Code is devoted to a trademark. Under this section, a trademark is any designation of a company/IE’s products or services designed to distinguish them. That is, anything independently invented by the company is considered unique and relevant to the product. A trademark is considered to be an intellectual asset of a company.
The amount of the state fee varies and depends on the number of the selected ICGS (International Classification of Goods and Services) classes and the urgency. The state fee is not paid at once, but is split into several payments:
registering the application with Rospatent;
checking for uniqueness and similarity in the same class;
trademark approval by Rospatent, i.e., the work of the office's examiners on your application;
the issuance of a trademark registration certificate.
We work with all regions of the Russian Federation, as well as with foreign legal entities who intend to register a trademark in the Russian Federation.
The Rospatent registers a trademark in an average of 6 to 12 months, but it is possible to speed up the process for an additional fee. You will then have to wait 5 to 8 months for a decision from the public authority. There must be good reasons for this, such as an application for registration of an international trademark.
defining the ICGS classes under which the trademark is to be registered;
identifying the country where the product or service will be sold (if the company enters foreign markets);
checking the trademark for registration in the Russian Federation or abroad;
drawing up the set of documents for filing an application with Rospatent, paying the state duty (Power of Attorney from the client will be needed);
managing the application and correspondence with the representative of Rospatent;
responding to requests for state expertise;
challenging the refusal of state registration of a trademark;
obtaining a trademark registration certificate from Rospatent and handing it over to the client;
protecting trademarks and other intellectual property rights out of court and in court;
monitoring trademark infringements at the client's request;
adding the trademark to the TROIS Customs Register of Intellectual Properties in order to prohibit the importation of counterfeit goods into the territory of the Russian Federation from other countries.
In order to mitigate these risks, it is sufficient to carry out a preliminary trademark examination on the Rospatent paid databases and open sources. The examiner will give their opinion on the possible registration of the trademark, indicating the risks involved and indicating others' confusingly similar trademarks.
The trademark is valid for 10 years, but it can be renewed indefinitely for 10 years.
the trademark is already owned by another company;
the trademark is similar to another mark or brand;
the trademark coincides with a domain that belongs to another person;
the trademark does not correspond to the underlying product or service;
the trademark promotes an immoral lifestyle, causing damage to health.
Registration of a yacht or other vessel under the Seychelles flag
Offshore registration in the BVI (British Virgin Islands)
Registration of companies in offshore and onshore jurisdictions
Registration of a company, offshore company in Belize
Company registration in Cyprus
Company registration in Panama
Company registration in Hong Kong
Company registration in England
The trademark, logo, trade name and brand distinguish products and the manufacturing company itself from its competitors and help customers recognize it.
The trademark, trade name, or brand must be registered in each country where the company is doing business and where the trade name will be used. In Russia, the Rospatent office (the Federal Institute of Industrial Property - FIIP) is the state body authorized to register trademarks, brands, inventions, and computer programs.
A separate paragraph in Part Four of the Civil Code is devoted to a trademark. Under this section, a trademark is any designation of a company/IE’s products or services designed to distinguish them. That is, anything independently invented by the company is considered unique and relevant to the product. A trademark is considered to be an intellectual asset of a company.
The amount of the state fee varies and depends on the number of the selected ICGS (International Classification of Goods and Services) classes and the urgency. The state fee is not paid at once, but is split into several payments:
registering the application with Rospatent;
checking for uniqueness and similarity in the same class;
trademark approval by Rospatent, i.e., the work of the office's examiners on your application;
the issuance of a trademark registration certificate.
We work with all regions of the Russian Federation, as well as with foreign legal entities who intend to register a trademark in the Russian Federation.
The Rospatent registers a trademark in an average of 6 to 12 months, but it is possible to speed up the process for an additional fee. You will then have to wait 5 to 8 months for a decision from the public authority. There must be good reasons for this, such as an application for registration of an international trademark.
defining the ICGS classes under which the trademark is to be registered;
identifying the country where the product or service will be sold (if the company enters foreign markets);
checking the trademark for registration in the Russian Federation or abroad;
drawing up the set of documents for filing an application with Rospatent, paying the state duty (Power of Attorney from the client will be needed);
managing the application and correspondence with the representative of Rospatent;
responding to requests for state expertise;
challenging the refusal of state registration of a trademark;
obtaining a trademark registration certificate from Rospatent and handing it over to the client;
protecting trademarks and other intellectual property rights out of court and in court;
monitoring trademark infringements at the client's request;
adding the trademark to the TROIS Customs Register of Intellectual Properties in order to prohibit the importation of counterfeit goods into the territory of the Russian Federation from other countries.
In order to mitigate these risks, it is sufficient to carry out a preliminary trademark examination on the Rospatent paid databases and open sources. The examiner will give their opinion on the possible registration of the trademark, indicating the risks involved and indicating others' confusingly similar trademarks.
The trademark is valid for 10 years, but it can be renewed indefinitely for 10 years.
the trademark is already owned by another company;
the trademark is similar to another mark or brand;
the trademark coincides with a domain that belongs to another person;
the trademark does not correspond to the underlying product or service;
the trademark promotes an immoral lifestyle, causing damage to health.
Registration of a yacht or other vessel under the Seychelles flag
Offshore registration in the BVI (British Virgin Islands)
Registration of companies in offshore and onshore jurisdictions
Registration of a company, offshore company in Belize
Company registration in Cyprus
Company registration in Panama
Company registration in Hong Kong
Company registration in England
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